reach riverside news

Wilmington Housing Authority, City of Wilmington, Awarded $50 Million HUD Grant for Riverside
The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded the Wilmington Housing Authority (WHA) and the City of Wilmington with the $50 million Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Grant Award (Choice). The grant will support the eight-year community revitalization plan for Northeast Wilmington in collaboration with the City of Wilmington, the Housing Authority of Wilmington, REACH Riverside Development Corporation (REACH), Kingswood Community Center and Pennrose LLC.

The WRK Group Featured in Delaware Journal of Public Health Scholarly Article
Dorothy Dillard, PHD (Director of The Center for Neighborhood Revitalization and Research at Delaware State University) and Bianca Mers (Investment Analyst at REACH Riverside), have co-written a scholarly article appearing in the June 2023 issue of the Delaware Journal of Public Health.

Pennrose Named In Top 6 Affordable Housing Developers of 2022
Affordable Housing Finance has named Pennrose, WRK Group Partner and developer of Imani Village, in their Top 50 Affordable Housing Developers of 2022. Pennrose came in at 6th out of 50, with 1388 units started and 1498 units completed.

Photos: WRK Group Leadership Hosts Panel Discussion at DE & MARC NAHRO Conference
NAHRO Conference attendees participated in a panel discussion with The WRK Group, Pennrose, WHA & Purpose Built Communities, then toured Imani Village.

WRK Group VIP Daria Hubbard Highlighted in Wilmington Housing Authority Newsletter
“Ms. Hubbard’s Multiple Achievements” Showcases Daria Hubbard’s successes over diversity.

REACH Riverside Awarded $1 Million Grant from Regional Foundation
The REGIONAL FOUNDATION, whose mission is to improve the quality of life for children and families living in low-income communities in Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware by concentrating resources on comprehensive, neighborhood-based economic and community development initiatives, has awarded REACH Riverside a $1 million grant. REACH is one of seven organizations receiving this round of Neighborhood Implementation Grants.

WATCH: WRK Group CEO Logan Herring Gives GRIT Talk
Grit Talks are a quarterly speaker and networking event featuring interesting local leaders answering seven questions over fifteen minutes.

WRK Group CEO Logan Herring Attends White House Black History Month Celebration
Herring joined other Black Delawarean leaders, including Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester.

Delaware Business Times: As housing grows, REACH Riverside expands focus
WILMINGTON – With the first hundred new housing units built in Wilmington’s Riverside community, REACH RIVERSIDE has set its eyes on more pieces of the holistic puzzle of revitalization.
The MASTER-PLANNED COMMUNITY that largely bounds Northeast Boulevard and the Brandywine Creek to the city limits is designed with the principles of “purpose-built communities,” a holistic approach of housing, education and health care meant to tackle areas of concentrated urban poverty.

WRK Group CEO On Attending President Biden’s State of the Union Address
“Thanks to US Senator Chris Coons, I had the experience of a lifetime at the State of the Union yesterday. Not only did I attend the address, but also the Senate dinner prior and various media interviews, where the Senator was not shy about shouting out the work we are doing in Riverside. The reverence and respect from his colleagues was evident throughout the halls as we interacted with so many. I am truly grateful for the invite and the continued support from our beloved Senator. February 7, 2023 will forever be a day to remember.”